Number 2: September 1998

Overview and Summary


  • Marjory Gordon, PhD, RN, FAAN
    September 30, 1998
  • Kathleen A. McCormick, PhD, RN, FAAN, FRCNA, FACMI; Cheryl B. Jones, PhD, RN
    September 30, 1998
  • Rita D. Zielstorff, RN, MS, FAAN is Corporate Manager, Clinical Information Systems Research and Development, Partners HealthCare System. She also holds the appointment of Computer Scientist in the Department of Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. For the past 25 years, she has worked in analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of information systems for health care. Ms. Zielstorff is the author of over 50 publications in the field. Her current responsibilities are to develop and implement methods for clinical decision support for Partners-wide systems, including guidelines, alerts, clinical algorithms, and condition-appropriate order sets. She has served on numerous national committees and panels dealing with informatics in health care, including the American Nurses Association Steering Committee on Databases to Support Clinical Nursing Practice. She is concluding her chairmanship of the ANA Nursing Information and Data Set Evaluation Center (NIDSEC) Committee. In 1990 she was elected to the American College of Medical Informatics, and in 1991, to the American Academy of Nursing.
    September 30, 1998

Web References
